
Select Maps. 1

Search Location. 1

Search Directions. 2

IP Lookup: 4

Information boxes. 5

PostCode Search. 6

Reverse postcode Lookup. 8

Other features. 9

Print & Copy: 9

HyperLinks in Information  Dalogboxes. 9



Select Maps

Select the desired maps you want to view, More the maps the response times might be slower.

Search Location

Enter the search location and click on Find to obtain the location on the selected Maps.

Search Directions

Select the desired location you wish to travel, and click Get route to obtain directions. Wait for the progress wheels agains the maps selection box to disappear . This indicates completion of search. You can see the results as in the below images.


IP Lookup:

Enter the IP in the input box and click on find IP to obtain thelocation for  IP.


Information boxes

To know the location and other details of the search. Place your cursor on the icons of the maps as shown below.


PostCode Search

Enter the Postcode  in the selection box and click on search, wait till the wheel stops rotating to see your results.


Options: choosing exact match: will look for the exact post code, startswith will search for the postcode beginning with those digits.

If you know the country for which you are searching the postcode, choose the country  in the selection box. This will quicken your search.





Reverse postcode Lookup

You can obtain the postcode for any place, by this option.

First click on the map to choose the locations, then click on lookup to obtain the postcode.

Other features

Print & Copy:

All information dialog boxes provides the feature for copy and print.

HyperLinks in Information  Dalogboxes

All information dialog boxes contains hyperlinks on the information, click on the link will focus on the exact locations in the maps.